The MKS-14 Special Edition microphone is indeed designed for speech needs, for example, podcasts, radio broadcasts, etc. But can it be used for miking acoustic instruments? Or miking a percussion instrument maybe?
It's worth a try!
We were invited to support an exam which was a series of final assignments for Ridho Gusti Pradana, a student who is currently pursuing his Masters at the ISI Yogyakarta Postgraduate with an interest in performing arts – Western Music – Major Percussion. He actively pursues a career as a professional musician and has joined various musical groups, such as Jakarta Symphony Orchestra, Jogja Philharmonic Orchestra, Jakarta Philharmonic Orchestra, Twilite Orchestra, Gita Bahana Nusantara Orchestra (2010-2014), Magenta Orchestra, Dwiki Darmawan Orchestra, Erwin Gutawa Orchestra, FOMBI Musika, Singgih Sanjaya Orchestra, Indonesia Youth Symphony Orchestra, percussion study group, etc. Ridhlo Gusti has also held the "Malets Percussion Recital" (2013) and participated in the "International Festival of Young Performance in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2014 (the favorite Marimba Player) and the" Australian Marimba Competition in Melbourne Australia in 2016.

In this exam, a total of 4 MKS-14 Special Edition mics and 2 SEM-02 mics were used. The grand piano uses the SEM-02 stereo pair, while Marimba and Timpani are miked using the MKS-14 Special Edition with an AB stereo setup on each instrument.

Two repertoires were presented, the first being Concerto No. 1 for Marimba, which was composed in 1986 by Rosauro. The concerto was originally composed for marimba and string orchestras with the original title "Serenata" and was 18 minutes long using classical, jazz, and Brazilian idioms. It consists of four parts, namely: “I. Saudação (Greetings),” “II. Lamento (Lament),” “III. Dança (Dance)” and “IV. Despedida (Farewell).”

The second and final repertoire is Hero's Journey by Jarryd Elias, which is a composition for a timpani solo with midi accompaniment or music playback using a computer.
Curious how it sounds? Check out the following results:
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